Religious Rights

“The social and legal position of an Israelite wife was inferior to the position a wife occupied in the great countries round about… all the texts show that Israelites wanted mainly sons to perpetuate the family line and fortune, and to preserve the ancestral inheritance… A husband could divorce his wife; women on the other hand could not ask for divorce… the wife called her husband Ba’al or master; she also called him adon or lord; she addressed him, in fact, as a slave addressed his master or subject, his king. The Decalogue includes a man’s wife among his possessions… all her life she remains a minor. The wife does not inherit from her husband, nor daughters from their father, except when there is no male heir. A vow made by a girl or married woman needs, to be valid, the consent of the father or husband and if this consent is withheld, the vow is null and void. A man had a right to sell his daughter. Women were excluded from the succession.”

-Roland de Vaux, archaeologist and priest

Religious Rights:

The matter of abortion is not a matter of woman’s rights. It is truly an example of one of the purest moral questions. Whether we want to allow our society to end human life before it has begun. To restrict the liberal doctor’s from murdering the next generation is an immediate necessity. This is a question about morality, not equality. No moral person would go out to playground and shot a child. Killing children, alive or unborn, is murder. Abortion is a massacre of our kids.

This matter is not only a matter of morality but our faith. The faith and knowledge that God would never want us to kill an unborn child. We must never impede on the divine miracle that undoubtedly occurs at conception.  It is murder to allow abortion clinics to exist and operate in this horrendous fashion.  A crime against humanity would be to deny anyone the chance to experience the glory of God’s creation.

Our planet is such a divine gift, that to not give prudence to the Laws of the Lord would be blasphemy. After all God designed the entire planet, so when God says he doesn’t want us paying for college kid’s birth control we can’t just stand bye. Ignoring the common knowledge that premarital sex is a sin, we should be teaching our youths about abstinence instead of encouraging promiscuity, this would be morally ideal.

Eliminate the source of the problem. Women soliciting themselves to any guy who buys them a beer. College after all is a liberal breeding ground of impure behavior. The careless woman who can’t keep her legs shut should not have the right to over write God’s plan.  If God believes that you should be blessed with a child than you should grant that child the right to be born. The ten commandments clearly states Thou shall not murder. 

This is God’s law!

If Mary was allowed to abort our lord and savior Jesus Christ, we would never have been absolved of our sins. God laid down the woman’s role in the bible and it says nothing about granting her the right to murder her own children. How can we as, moral individuals, abstain from protecting those who can’t protect themselves?

God is just and righteous. He would never ask anything of anyone that they couldn’t handle. So when he blesses a woman with kin, she must take this on regardless if she views it as an inconvenience. Her faith and family need to come into play as well. She must seek her wisdom and guidance through accepting Jesus into her heart and when she gives birth she can spread that love.

Along with abortion there are plenty of other social issues the liberals dress up as “against woman’s rights”. They try to delude the issue with such maniacal terms, straying it farther from its roots in morality and faith. Such are social roles, as in stay at home moms all up to a woman’s role in her church.

Just because the bible says that a woman can’t preach over man that doesn’t mean that she can’t be a leader of a congregation. God loves all his children and would always want anyone who is truly holy to speak on his behalf. God wants us all to fulfill our role in his divine plan and there is nothing diminishing to a woman by denying her birth control or ensuring the life of her child.

We as a society should not be encouraging promiscuous sex. As I mentioned before, encouraging the sin of premarital sex is an atrocity of it’s own right, but paying for it is far worse. We, don’t seek to limit anyone, only want to instill a true moral purity on the nations we love. We want everyone to be right by God and uphold his must cherished gifts of family, faith, and salvation.


Modern Belief: Retort to Timothy 2:12

(Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Feel free to comment below, even if you disagree.)

“Because there is no guarantee America will not always be free. I’ve read the bible and I’ve never seen anything in there that says Americans will always be free and prosperous, and that the next generation will do better than the previous.” – Rick Santorum when talking to Focus on the Family about why standing up for your beliefs (conservatism) is important.

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