Free from the Flock

“Take one please” my teacher sternly insists as she pushes pandora’s box ever so closer.I reluctantly remove the square package with a disturbing circular bulge. Sex ED Week, screams at the class from the bright red and black banner over Mrs. Sarah’s desk. “Now children, we’re going to go over how to apply the condom properly.” She says softly as she takes the protective sleeve and a banana in a fashion I don’t think is appropriate for food. “My mom told me never to play with my food!” An anonymous voices proclaims from the back ending with the room bursting into laughter and Mrs. Sarah becoming a beat red. “THIS IS SERIOUS!” Her embarrassment now turned focused anger. “You don’t want to be stupid and have unprotected sex. You’re all children and very capable of biologically creating more children so stop fooling around and pay attention!” She picks back up the banana and continues unraveling the plastic upon it. “Oh god, save me, this is so embarrassing” I mutter as I slouch in my chair and prepare for the next half hour of torture.

Free from the Flock;

The progressive left has encroached on our intellectual freedoms for far too long. The public education system is rotting from it’s core with liberal values abolishing traditional morals. Like white blood cells attacking a virus, the left will stop at anything to demand complacency from our children. Big claims right? Well, I believe not and here I’m going to bring light to the leftist propaganda.

To start on this path for clarity, we must first look back at one of the biggest liberal socialist movements of our time. Of course I’m referring to the Nazi take over of Germany. Specifically I’m going to address Hitler’s Youth or the HJ (Hitler Jugend). Post WWI Germany saw a huge influx in “radical” youth groups. These youths were bent on freeing themselves from the hypocrisies they saw in the new Industrial Capitalist Democracy they lived under. When the sun rose on WWI many youths were drawn into war under a pretense of “nobility”, an honor they’d never grow up to receive. After the war youth groups restructured as hierarchical systems of political reform adamant on never returning to the “old ways” and only the progression onto a new and better world, for Germans, for all would suffice.

This is when Hitler took his stand against the malleable minds of the youth. Forming the Youth League of the NSDAP, offering such perks for members as free membership and free uniforms slowly brought in troops. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party really started to ramp up now with youth attendance steadily on the rise until 1925 when Hitler showed his true colors. Now requiring members over 18 to join the Nazi Party along with a requirement to become a Stormtrooper ensured Hitler would have a resupplying army. Membership fees and mandatory dress code were swiftly implemented. Liberals always bare their fangs eventually. “By 1935, about 60 percent of Germany’s young people belonged to the Hitler Youth.” The HJ were used for propaganda distribution, delivery service, and worse actually holding off enemy units in battle. The Führer was not concerned with the lives of his devote followers, young or old, he just cared about troop numbers.

In 1938, Hitler expanded Germany’s borders by absorbing neighboring Austria and the Sudetenland (western portion of Czechoslovakia) with their large populations of ethnic Germans. As a result, Hitler Youth membership quickly swelled to 8.7 million.

The rest is history but I want to stress the reality that the socialists promised a bright future to these young men and women, while using propaganda against them and systematized education they were able to brainwash millions of children.  As History tends to repeat itself, this is once again the case with the socialists of America. They have brought in their “progressive curriculum” for a better tomorrow. Sound familiar?

Our youths are now submitted to pro-sex education, anti-religious science and progressive doctrine bent on doing one thing. Assimilating our next generation and stamping out the true American values. Conservative values are under constant attack yet many are oblivious to this mental warfare.

Liberals are constantly trying to convince everyone that there should be walls around their sacred “science” classrooms. Telling us that we can’t teach the controversy over Evolution and I.D. They are afraid that if we look at Intelligent Design in a “scientific” fashion that their precious natural selection will have to switch its origins! They fall back on delusional stances like incomplete fossil records and infallible “genetic cousins” to “prove” Evolution as the origin of life. This directly challenges the bible, the infallible word of God! If this wasn’t enough of an indication they want religious doctrine out of their schools, the pro-sex education classes add to the nails in the conservative’s coffin.

Not only do they refuse to teach abstinence, a stance many real Americans believe in, they also supply our kids with the means to have sexual intercourse. Encouraging premarital sex is a sin and to use the excuse “Teenagers are going to experiment regardless, we might as well have them be safe” is an unbelievable diminishing statement of teacher responsibility. If you give them condoms freely all you’re saying to the kids is that sex is ok and you should do. Pro-sex education encroaches more on intellectual rights of the parents than the “teaching the controversy debate” but they are both enemies of a guardian’s rights.

Rights that parents are entitled to by the reality, they’re the parents. Hard to argue that a child’s mother and father do not truly know what is best. How could they not? They have performed the sacred miracle and brought this blessing from God to life. God has bestowed upon them the responsibility to govern, teach and provide for this child for their life. Schools overstepping the parents teachings is a direct affront to God. The Judeo-Christian god to be specific as we are in a nation founded by Christian’s for Christians.

But there is a safe haven my friends. The home. The one place that our Big Brother government can’t come in and tell you what you can and can not do. This is your right as an American. The right to your property will shortly become yet another right the government wants to take if we don’t stand up for ourselves! Big Government just means corrupt politicians with liberal policies and socialist programs. We need to make a stand against making our christian nation into a socialist nation.

Teach your child at home. Teach them the good whole hearted values of Conservative Americans. Don’t spout out progressive lies to your child like man came from monkies. In the home, we can teach the truth to our children. Prayer before you eat and in the Pledge of Allegiance! “I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe.”

The liberals won’t stop until they have assimilated everyone with communist values and anti-religious doctrine. Just like the Nazi’s who took to the streets and coerced young impressionable innocent children into joining an evil empire, the liberals have taken to our classrooms to do the same. This threat to America’s traditional values is very real. Protect your children form their Nazi propaganda progressive indoctrination machine and home-school your kids where they are save and protected by faith, family, and freedom.


(Thank you for reading this American call to action. Join the fight below with comments and likes. God Bless America.)

Reply: Brainwashing Sheep


Nicholas, Caitlin “HOMESCHOOLING: An Alternative to the Progressive Indoctrination Machine – Founders Intent” Available at: Accessed: 6-24-12

The History Place “The History Place – Hitler Youth: Chapter Index” Available at: Used:

Beginnings to 1923
Road to Power 1923-1933
Prelude to War 1933-1939
Hitler’s Boy Soldiers 1939-1945
Aftermath: Nuremberg and Beyond

Accessed: 6-24-12
Christian Pledges “Christian Pledges- Pledge to the Christian Flag, Pledge to the  Bible, Pledge to the American Flag, The American’s Creed –” Available at: Accessed: 6-24-12

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