Dethroning the King

For the post The Rational Bible, I wanted to break down the significance of the bible to a de-conversion of a Christian. However it may simply be a reasonable starting point, the bible its self rarely is enough to bring light to the dark areas of a delusional mind of an indoctrinated. Often you need more than just one catalyst to finish the job.

Dethroning the King:

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. – 1 Corinthians 11:3. 

The importance of God as the figure head is nothing short of the emphasis of the Christian religion. Without an authoritarian figurehead to act as council, judge, and jury, the religion’s power begins to wane. The most important savior in many people’s lives is Jesus Christ, remove him and you remove surety.

Much like cutting off the head of a chicken, removing God from his castle would result in disoriented believers. The faith wall previously mentioned appears relevant again. For the bible may be but one brick in this structure, the concept of God as the supreme being is as well. Yet when you challenge one aspect of one’s faith you face the entire barrier, not just one brick.

So how does one go about questioning God? For the rest of the post I want you to, whether you do or not, accept that there is indeed a God. This is purely a hypothetical situation and you’re free to resume your normal philosophical outlooks afterwards.

Not Entirely Multiple Choice

“The primitive man born out of random causes, Gabriel’s idea, have far surpassed initial expectation in durability. Swiftly usurping the ants from the most sophisticated social structure spot. I have deemed it time and ordered Peter to execute: Project Lamb” – God

Could an attempt for God to study our species closer be Jesus? He sent us a piece of himself to live among us, and understand his creation in its full form. Yet after we orchestrated his malleable body into a desert ornament, it is hard to believe such behavior comes without a side of frigid revenge? Could we merely be in time-out? Daddy has left us to think about what we’ve done? Does the punishment fit the crime?

Life of the Lonely

So you seek out for salvation, repent sinners! Let your exclamations of impurity ring through our streets such as a warning to others not to follow in your wake. Join a church and become known for regular attendance. Where is the problem in this? You’re getting to know other good people who share your faith and being brought closer to God because of it. Well if God truly is no longer listening to us, like a parent whom turns up the T.V. to drown out their child’s cries, then all we’ve designed is an extremely intricate fraternity. By placing a few people are in charge whom can beckon everyone like a dogs, merely out of the pure desire of acceptance, we’ve reconstructed our churches to be loyalty contests. However such loyalty is not always giving praise and confessions.

The Muslims will slay a Christian for merely displaying a different name tag. For blood has poured and will continue to pour over whom is the real prophet is the pure idiocy of said event. The immoral behaviors and negative emotions brought on by the mislead faithful is our societies major downfall. IF these radicals can’t get a hold of themselves, we need to take action for the sake of  humanity’s moral sanctity. Emotional, physical, mental, they fight on all battle grounds. They have brought war to all lands, leaving death and suffering in every step.

Homo Sapiens

If pregnancy was not more often a result of misjudgment or unconsenting partners than responsible planning, our species would be long dead. We, humans, produce a startling amount of children without more than a care to resources’ availability or parental responsibility. Often a man can’t resist the lust brought on by the sight of a woman, subsequently making his mating instincts kick in. A moral failing in that man would surely result in unwanted attention and/or harm to that woman. And in God’s crowd, here on earth, many believe that the cause of the lust is the woman and she shares equal blame with her rapist, if it comes down to such.

Knowing these flaws in man’s mentality, God could easily take a step back and let us destroy ourselves.  Our genders fail to see equality in each other. Races still are believed to be an acceptable way to segregate. Violence strives over diplomacy. The United States’ defense budget is an accurate representation of the archaic Brawns over Brains is still the first go to for our species.

The Point

So returning to the prior accepting of God’s existence as fact, why then should we worship such a being? The mere fact one gives birth to another doesn’t make them respect worthy. A parent must earn respect from their child not merely bestowed with it. We have this misconception that parents are this untouchable power to never be wreckened with.

Brought on by our lessons in learning to love and fear them equally. Most of our parental units did the best they knew how to do. However simply acknowledging this does not raise them to the level of divinity. God, the life bringer, if they have abandoned us, the children, no longer has enough justification for eternal praise.

Almost all if not all kids do not love their parents more for never being there, for them, as much as a parent who is present. Justifying the why you can’t be there to a child is almost impossible. You can never fully relieve the sorrow brought on by your absence.

Yet God wants us to always love her, whether she is actually absent or just doesn’t pay much attention to us anymore, those two reasons are enough for you to wonder why you would worship her as a God. You can make the argument going to church is like being a good child and that parents deserve respect for giving birth to you simply because of that fact. Church may be the only way you pay tribute to your creator, but look at the cost it has brought us. Family’s spilling their own blood because the daughter was raped and brought shame. The crusades which left an entire region plagued with war and a significant drop in intelligence. The Catholic Church’s continued abuse of children.

Supporting a heavenly father who doesn’t see it fit to even protect his children from their own personal failings, which he blessed them with, is no father worth your praise.


(Thank you for reading the latest addition in my Anti-Theist series)


Cline, Austin “Christian Love: Blame Rapeon How Women Dress” Available at: Accessed: 3/17/2013

Rosenfeld JA, Everett KD  “Factors related to planned and unplannd pregnan…[J Fam Pract. 1996] – PubMed – NCBI” Available at: Accessed: 3/17/2013

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