False Patriotism

I sink deeper and deeper into my couch. I start thinking to myself, “when you watch fear mongers on T.V., you can’t help but wonder if normal people buy into this propaganda.” Does anyone truly believe that you’re less of an American if you don’t believe in the Christian God? If I don’t support the troops, am … Continue reading

The Cutting

Dear Pen Pal, How have you been? I received your letter and I’m finally getting a chance to apologize for not responding. As I was telling you last time my father has been more and more insistent that I “become” a woman. My mother was resistant at first. After the long nights of fighting and her seemingly … Continue reading

The Adoption Option

“Abortion doctors murder millions of helpless children every year!” The group rants on. A harmonious hate choir holding signs that spew declarations of senseless murder and pictures of mangled fetuses. “Abortion is murder!” just got yelled at an unfortunate crossing crowd of teenagers. I’m comfortably perched on a bench across the street. If you’re beginning to wonder … Continue reading

Man’s Best Servant

The crack of the rifle signals the Dachshund to retrieve the soon to be grounded pheasant. As I lower the scope to my waist, my wiener retriever came bounding back with the bird perfectly placed in his mouth. “Just like God intended. A man and his dog hunting.” I think to myself as I perform the repetitious praise of “Good … Continue reading

Parades of Sin

“You know it’s not a matter of Civil Rights.” My African friend proudly proclaims. I take a deep sigh, closing my eyes in the process of preparing once again for this debate. Normally I’d never refer to my “African” friend for ethnic reasons but here that moot detail should be exacerbated. I’m not a racist but I … Continue reading

Free from the Flock

“Take one please” my teacher sternly insists as she pushes pandora’s box ever so closer.I reluctantly remove the square package with a disturbing circular bulge. Sex ED Week, screams at the class from the bright red and black banner over Mrs. Sarah’s desk. “Now children, we’re going to go over how to apply the condom … Continue reading

God’s Snuggie

The release of air into the world, confirming the end of my family’s dream. I glance back when I reach the end of the cement porch, trying not to break my lethargic character. But in the dead windows I pear into the empty soul of our former life. I see my son dashing viciously in diapers, as … Continue reading

Social Obligations

Eating my morning cereal, that seems bent on talking to me with every pop, I just ignore my father’s frantic scrambling. He’s dashing from left to right to get coffee started and get out the door on time for work. “No dad, I haven’t seen your wallet.” “Your keys? I saw them on the key … Continue reading

Religious Rights

“The social and legal position of an Israelite wife was inferior to the position a wife occupied in the great countries round about… all the texts show that Israelites wanted mainly sons to perpetuate the family line and fortune, and to preserve the ancestral inheritance… A husband could divorce his wife; women on the other … Continue reading

Righteous Heretics

The car door creeks shut, as if to appear mournful over my lose. The rain trickles over my metal shield but my face is not impervious as much to water. My hands clasp my head firmly as I shove it down and bow in my tears. “Mom!, you said you’d never leave me!!” My head … Continue reading